Support The Show
Thank you so much to everyone that tunes in and gets involved with our weekly show and other events.
There are many ways you can support the show to allow us continue broadcasting during lockdown and beyond.
If you would like to help out, you can:
Share our posts and help encourage new jammers, co-hosts or viewers to join us each week!
Buy some of our cool merchandise
Make a donation or buy us a coffee
If you would be interested in taking things further, every month we run a sponsorship slot for local businesses.
Our Radio FreakJam Sponsorship package includes:
* 30-minute static advert during pre-show music on Sunday! Please supply logo and short ad details including web addy!
Advert shown during song plays on Wednesday Lunchtime Live Show!
* Social media mentions during weekly “Join us” posts, “On Air” posts and “Show Notes”
– a minimum of 4 posts per week to the FreakJam Facebook Group for Sunday show!
Mentions on social media posts for Wednesday show, minimum 2 per week!
* On-air shout outs on both Sunday and Wednesday shows, both live and in the chat room!
* Merch promotion live on air… send me a T-shirt/hoodie, mugs or other logo’d merch and we will wear/use them on our live shows!
* Free advert design
Please contact us for a price and to book your sponsorship package.